
Disclaimer & Warning: The information in this blog is only provided for informational purposes. This information is not designed to be used to treat any disease or health problem. Instead, always consult with your physician for proper treatment.

Get Started

Cancer today has become pandemic throughout the world, and whatever the conventional therapy propaganda machines keep telling us, the "war on cancer" being waged by the medical establishment and the pharmaceutical companies is unquestionably being lost.

So, what is a person supposed to do after receiving such a devastating diagnosis? We realize how traumatic all of this is, so, we've tried to put together some information to help you.

We realize that this is easy for us to say since you're the one who has to deal with the cancer. We realize it is difficult to not to panic, but, cancer is not a death sentence -- some people are cured every day. Talk to your family and loved ones before you make any quick decisions. Get a second opinion if you have some doubts about your diagnosis. If possible, talk to someone involved in alternative cancer treatment that you trust.

Even if your oncologist tells you that you only have a short time to live, he or she is only making this judgment based on expertise in and experience using ineffective treatment methods (and as you will learn later on, cancer research is unequivocal in showing that conventional treatments are relatively ineffective for most cancers).

The problem with cancer is that no single therapy is likely to cure it, and indeed, no single combination therapy is likely to be successful with all sufferers. Cancer is a systemic disease that affects the "whole body". Consequently, treatment programs such as dietary and lifestyle changes, psychological programs and nutritional supplementation are likely to be effective (however, conventional treatments such as surgery can be effective in some situations and should not be dismissed).

When you are diagnosed with cancer, you need to construct a specific treatment program tailored to your unique biological and psychological profile. And as we are each unique individuals, this treatment program is also likely to be unique, although our biological and psychological similarities will mean that all treatment programs will have certain foundation factors in common.

Factors unique to your particular situation which you need to take into consideration include: the type of cancer diagnosed; how early it is detected; whether it has metastasized or spread; orthodox or conventional treatment success rates; alternative treatment success rates; complementary treatment effectiveness; your other health issues and medications you may be taking; and dietary, lifestyle and psychological changes we are prepared to make. Get the program combination right for you, and you maximize your chance of a complete cure.

So a cancer diagnosis is actually a call for you to become a private investigator so that you can uncover an effective treatment program for you, and perhaps the right health practitioner to help supervise aspects of that treatment program.

But as long as you are in panic mode, you will be making reactionary choices out of fear rather than from a place of responsibility. (This is how and why the majority of newly diagnosed cancer sufferers unquestioningly opt for the treatment program offered to them by their oncologist, even though just a little investigation would reveal that this choice not statistically in their best interest — their reactionary choice is an irrational one, except in a small percentage of cases.) So it is important to try to reduce panic as much as possible so that you can make responsible choices.

Note: If you're not 100% certain about your diagnosis, get a second opinion.

Begin to put together a support team. You can't do this alone. If you are married or have a partner, make sure to include them -- don't shut them out. Recruit relatives and friends who will be supportive and honest with you -- avoid the negative people.

Join a local support group and /or join an online support group. It will ease your mind when you see that there are thousands of other people who have successfully beat their cancer.

Note: I didn't actually set up a support team. My mother and daughter had already started the ball rolling while I was in the hospital. They bought all my medical supplies, set up my house, did all the grocery shopping, meal planning and preparation, set up appointments, drive me to the doctors, etc. Because of their support, it gave me the time and freedom to do my own research without having to worry about preparing meals, taking care of the house, or anything else.

Collect as much information as possible and educate yourself about cancer. While you're putting together your support team, begin your research, collecting information and educating yourself about cancer, nutrition, etc. In fact, you may want to begin educating yourself before you set up your support team, because your support team members will probably have questions.

Sign up for a local (or online) health class if you don't know that much about proper nutrition. If possible, try to find an expert in disease pathology and/or nutritional science to help and guide you; and, take some of the pressure off of you with all of the research you're doing.

Begin making some of the obvious dietary changes -- the sooner, the better. For example, stop eating sugar, flour, processed foods, fast foods, tobacco, alcohol, etc.  Begin eating more organic vegetables, salads, some fruits, beans, raw nuts and seeds, etc. Begin juicing green vegetables, kale, spinach, wheatgrass, etc. along with some carrots.

Because of the emotions associated with being diagnosed with cancer or any disease for that matter, we believe that recruiting your support team for emotional support may be more crucial than collecting information. But, we'll leave that up to you -- do what is more comfortable to you -- these are just guidelines to get you going.

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you are likely to have already spoken to an orthodox or conventional medical cancer expert or oncologist. As the average length of time an oncologist spends with a newly diagnosed cancer patient is just 6 minutes, he or she is unlikely to have given you much information on the proposed treatment, and what little you have been given will probably be color it in as positive light as possible.

So you need to be very blunt with your doctor and insist that he or she tell you the long-term survival statistics for the combination of your particular condition and the treatment he or she is offering you. This could be because the survival data is not yet available; they have not researched data that is available; or, as is mostly likely, because they are hiding the embarrassing truth that orthodox or conventional treatment does not actually "treat" very well.

As Professor Hardin Jones, a prominent cancer researcher at Berkeley, has stated: "Patients are as well, or better off, untreated…" (which does not necessarily mean that no treatment is the best treatment, only that conventional treatment may be the worst option).

The problem with conventional cancer treatment is that its ineffectiveness does not seem to stop doctors and oncologists promoting it. The reason for this is that pharmaceutical companies know the huge financial benefit of maintaining the medical establishment's loyalty and so give such huge gifts and funding — bribes — to medical doctors and to medical schools, and bankroll large amounts of "independent" drug research. It is estimated, for example, that in the UK alone this industry spends £10,000 per doctor promoting drug solutions — no wonder the average oncologist has fallen for this intense propaganda campaign!

Without this knowledge of survival statistics, you will have no basis, apart from an emotional one, on which to decide whether to have the orthodox or conventional treatment on offer. So you must insist your doctor get you the long-term survival rates for others who have had your particular condition and who have undergone the same orthodox treatment that is being offered. And don't be misled with 5-year survival statistics that give the false impression of a "cure" – you want to know long-term AND quality of life. After all, is it really a success to live an extra year if during that year you are in constant physical agony and mental turmoil? If your doctor is not forthcoming with survival-rate information, then switch to a more open doctor or find the information that you need on the internet.

If your particular cancer is very late stage and very aggressive, you may have to go with the orthodox or conventional treatment being offered due to time constraints: orthodox treatment attacks cancer like a blunderbuss – it is good for killing cancer cells quickly but generally gives a poor long-term prognosis because it destroys both the immune system (our natural protection against future cancers) and only weaker cancer cells in the body (leaving the more hardy and virulent ones to bounce back another day, which is why remissions after orthodox treatment are so common and deadly).

But when you are very late stage and your cancer is very aggressive, you often don't have a lot to lose and you need to "de-bulk" (kill large numbers of cancer cells) as quickly as possible to take the pressure off your system, even if there is a significant chance that this will cause your demise further down the road. In a crisis situation, this gamble may be worth playing.

Most of us, however, do have a little time to explore the bigger picture – you only need a couple of weeks to find out most of the information that will be helpful to you. Fortunately, there is a lot of good information out there, it is just a question of identifying it and reading what is necessary.

To save you some time, I researched and collected a lot of information so that I could set up this blog with information that can get you started and moving in the right direction. This information is not meant to prescribe a specific diagnosis, because that would be impossible even if we focused on just one form of cancer.

Hopefully, this information does not upset you -- that is not my intent. My intent is to give you some time to collect your thoughts and figure out what is the best strategy for you, given your specific and unique circumstances.

Don't try to do this by yourself. Ask your partner or a friend to help with some of the research. Try to find a naturopathic doctor or someone in the alternative medicine field that you can trust. Try to find someone preferably via a referral from a healthcare professional, a friend from work or church, or a relative or friend.

Author's Sidebar: I must admit that this can be overwhelming and difficult trying to figure out which information is the right information for you. I had this problem years ago when I was struggling with my diabetes and other health issues after almost dying from a diabetic coma.  Luckily for me, I had a lot of support from my mother, daughter and sister. While they took care of the household, I was able to focus on research and collecting information about diabetes, nutrition and various alternative treatment strategies.

My mother and daughter also provided emotional support; and, my mother and one of my brothers provided spiritual support. My job provided financial support and my managers ran the organization in my absence. As a result, I was able to strictly focus on my diabetes and how to get well.

Unfortunately, not everyone has a good support system, so, do the best you can and make sure that you don't shut out people who may be able to help you. There is a lot of good research information on the internet and in libraries about cancer, nutrition and many different alternative treatment strategies. 

However, the problem with research information on alternative cancer treatments is that there is legislation, such as the Cancer Act 1939, that prevent those outside of the medical establishment from being able to disseminate information on alternative treatments. What the legislation does is effectively censor a lot of the cancer information on alternative treatments, and so you have to dig a little deeper to find helpful information.

Hopefully, this blog will help you with your research and collecting your information.

p.s. In the near future, we will providing Skype online training along with a cancer ebook that can be used in conjunction with my Death to Diabetes book.

Books About Cancer
Books are a great resource of information. Go to Amazon.com and do a search on cancer books and read some of the reviews to help you decide which books to purchase. In the meantime, here are a few books that may be helpful:

Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients — Russel Blaylock
Whether you choose to undergo conventional, alternative or integrative medicine, this book is a fantastic resource and will guide you to make the best of your choice, advice that is backed up by clinical research. This book also gives important dietary advice. (ISBN 0758202210)

Anticancer: A New Way of Life — David Servan-Schreiber
Servan-Schreiber is himself a medical doctor who got cancer and this book came out of the research that he did to find a way to heal himself. It recommends simple alterations in diet, lifestyle and attitude. (ISBN 0718156846)

The Cancer Breakthrough — Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts
These two academics have summarized the best cancer healing strategies such as high Vitamin C and low sugar diets. Definitely worth a read. (ISBN 1430323000.)

Cancer the full menu — Rolf Gordon
This books informs you of the 'full menu' so that you will be aware of your real options, including complementary and alternative options. (Available online at Dulwich Health.)

Healing Cancer — Simon Kelly, Enrida Kelly
The Kelly's have written a great introduction to the top 12 non-toxic cancer treatments. The great thing about this book is that it doesn't just list alternative therapies, but gives the reader some idea of how to put together the best treatment program. (ISBN 0954463684)

Winning the War on Cancer — Mark Sircus. 
This is a 900-page E-book that covers a very wide range of information on the best of the world of allpathic and alternative medicine. You can get it for $40 here.

Everything You Need To Know To Help You Beat Cancer — Chris Woolams. 
The title says it all for this UK bestseller that is now in its third edition. This invaluable guide covers both cancer prevention and cancer treatment programs, and presents the information in a practical and easy-to-read manner. (ISBN 095429680X)

Here is a link to some additional books on Amazon.com:

Reading these books will give you a good understanding of cancer from the point of view of what works best for your health and survival, and not what necessarily maximizes pharmaceutical industry and orthodox healthcare profits. The authors will give you the clarity and foresight you will need in order to made decisions which will be in your best interest, and your best interest alone.

If you find the research to be overwhelming and difficult to comprehend, then, find a healthcare professional involved with alternative care that understands your specific disease that can provide help and guidance.

Some examples of healthcare professionals that may be able to help you may include, but are not limited to, the following: health coach, nutritionist, naturopathic doctor, chiropractor, holistic consultant, nutritionists, wellness consultant, retired doctor, and retired nurse -- just to name a few.

Do not assume that just because someone is involved in alternative care that they can help you with your disease. Evaluate their qualifications, years of experience and background. If possible, talk to some of their clients or, at least, ask to see some of the testimonials and feedback from their clients.

Review their website, blog, Facebook Page to gain some insight into their skills and capabilities. Review their products, such as a book, CD, DVD, training program, etc. If they don't have any of these products, be careful. If they have some of these products, it should give you some idea of their true qualifications.

Also, interview the person. Given the amount of research that you've done, you should be able to gauge whether this person can truly help you, based on how they respond to your questions.

Note: This step is not necessary as long as you feel comfortable with what you learned during the research you have conducted.

Once you've completed your research, you have to decide what program option that you plan to implement for yourself [For details, refer to the blog page "Strategy Options"]. Talk to as many experts as possible to help you with your decision.

Work with your doctors and other healthcare professionals to track your progress to ensure you're making real progress. Don't just rely on blood counts and other blood test readings.

Also, make sure that you are being proactive and not waiting for the other shoe to fall -- especially if you opted for chemotherapy, radiation and/or surgery. There are problems that you may have to deal with such as organ damage, cachexia, frequent infections, etc. So, be proactive in identifying any new changes that you may need to make.

Follow up with your doctors, review blood test results. Get physical exam and/or additional tests, if necessary. Keep copies of all your  lab work/blood test results, reports, etc.

And, keep doing your research, keep learning and keep your current wellness program up-to-date -- continue to do research and make changes as you go along.

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